Dear President Noynoy,
We voted for you on the premise of hope and battling corruption that has wrecked and stalled the growth of this country of ours. We like to think that there is still hope otherwise we would have migrated already. It’s a new administration and a new start so to borrow a line from those days when the Man Above created things, “Let there be no corruption!”
We would like to ask your help in this problem of ours. You see, small business enterprises like ours are our life’s savings or maybe even worse, our soul held hostage since we borrowed the moon and the stars to start up our own distribution business.
Unfortunately we have been bullied and cheated out of our earnings by a greedy multinational. They couldn’t care less for the little guy. The bottom line for them is their profit and earnings then damn everyone else. As if their predatory pricing and bullying tactics aren’t enough, they threaten us with removal if quotas aren’t met.
We know they waited for a Manny Villar victory because someone in his inner circle is related to someone who works at Nestle. A Villar win meant railroading our case, whitewashing it, and spitting us out.
Now it looks like that they finally want to mend fences, however not under government mediation. What are they hiding? They know that the person you’ve appointed is incorruptible and they know that paying off people isn’t going to work.
We ask that you look into unfair business practices because what does the little guy have? This isn’t a matter we can report to Raffy Tulfo. It is damn clear that the BPO industry is here to stay. For the nation’s economy to thrive there must be a healthy climate for business. They will always have their billions but never at the cost of exploiting the little guy.
We ask that you tell the Department of Trade and Industry that they should step in and investigate this. Ours is a perfect case study. If the current rules and regulations continue without amendment then it is open to further abuse of power. And you of all people should know what that means.
We hope that you heed our meek request. We believe in you and we know you can do it.
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